Databases & Institutions
The following is a list of key online databases and other institutions doing work on refugee urban integration.
For a compilation of resources on refugee law, including key case law: UC Berkeley Law Library, Refugee Law
For customized data on U.S. immigration, see George Mason University’s Institute for Immigration Research Immigration Data on Demand (IDoD)
For primary documents and case law: Refugee Law Reader
For Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data: Humanitarian Data Exchange
For updated data and graphs, reporting on asylum and immigration in the U.S.: TRAC Immigration, Syracuse University
For data and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E): Switchboard
For a wide range of open-source data on refugees: Open Migration
For global population data: World Bank Open Data
For the United Nation’s official displacement and resettlement figures: UNHCR Population Statistics
Centers of Research
Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement
Feinstein International Center, Tufts University
Immigrant Learning Center Immigration Research Library
Institute for Immigration Research, George Mason University
Internal Displacement Monitoring Center
Oxford University, Refugee Studies Center
World Bank, Forced Displacement Literature Review
York University, Center for Refugee Studies
You may also be interested in our lists of key academic articles, practitioner reports, policy documents, books, and journals related to refugee urban integration. These sources are also summarized in our Literature Review.